EU Cafe: Agenda for Europe

Your way to an informed choice to European Parliament elections 2024

Are you curious about what has been happening at the EU level, especially with the upcoming European Parliament elections? Join us over a brunch to get more insights into EU affairs. PROGRAM: 🔹10:00 - Free brunch with a presentation of the European Parliament’s past-5-year achievements given by Zoé Elkær Nicot the founder of the European Debate Initiative. 🔹11:30 - Table-level discussions and networking 🔹12:30 - EU Bingo with prizes WHO IS THE SPEAKER? @Zoé Elkær Nicot did her BA in European Studies, majoring in EU law from the University of Amsterdam. She worked at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, before returning as a Political Assistant in the Danish Parliament. She co-founded the European Debate Initiative, an NGO that organizes debates about European and global affairs, including politics, law, culture, and more. She is also a Board Member of New Europe & Saga. Participation is free of charge but due to limited places registration is required ➡️Click here to register: ---------- This event is a collaboration between @AMIS, an NGO with over 30 years of history, during which more than 100 projects aimed at developing better opportunities and inclusion in Denmark and Europe have been completed; @Last Week in Denmark a weekly newsletter available in 6 languages (English, Romanian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish and Italian) @the European Debate Initiative, an NGO that fosters discussions between professionals and young people on European and global affairs. This event is supported by Europa-Nævnet. The responsibility for the content lies alone with the recipient of the offer.

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